The Road to Aberdares

The beauty about Onetouch Live is that its a great opportunity to explore, learn from a bunch of amazing guys and practically freeze to death or literally boil in extreme heat. On this very day the roads led us to Aberdares, I mean I figured this place is cold but not that cold ... boy were in for a surprise. I had always dreamed about going to Aberdares, so naturally I was stoked for this adventure.

As is custom for OTLive trips, we started off early and naturally we made our first stop at Kinale Forest. The aim was to be in Aberdares early to enjoy the sights. After shopping for the necessary things for the 2 nights we would be there ... It was time to start heading up the hills into the Aberdare ranges.

I chose to dabble in a bit of macro photography while there, the morning dew on the grass provided the perfect opportunity to do this. Decided to follow some bees as well 😬 ...

One of the many waterfalls in the Aberdare Ranges ...

I hope you enjoyed a few of the images I got to capture. 

See you in the next post.

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Dandora L.O.V.E